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Maintenance of natural stone floor

Publish Time:2020-12-14 Click rate:556

Maintenance of natural stone floor

Whether it is a stone floor made of marble, granite, limestone, slate or artificial terrazzo, its beauty is unmatched by other floors. They overflowed with extraordinary natural brilliance. Carpets, linoleums, laminates, wood and ceramic tiles are often cheaper, and most people know how to maintain them. However, they will eventually wear out or become damaged and have to be replaced. But if you properly maintain the stone floor, you can use it for several generations and give you a high-end feel.

But few people know how to maintain stone floors to keep them in their best condition. The stone supplier will provide advice, and the tiler is also very knowledgeable about this knowledge. If you find some stone wholesaler and your location is very convenient, he can also help you install it. These people will tell you how to maintain the stone floors you have installed.

yiyang stone

Do not use chemical products to increase the gloss of the stone. If you want to make it brighter, you'd better ask the person who makes the stone for help. The stone will emit its original luster only when it is completely flat. Once the crystals in the stone are neat, they will reflect the highest level of light, and consistent light will produce high gloss. This gloss is not artificial and can be restored by regular frosting.

How does the stone lose its luster? Except for granite, most of the stone is relatively soft and easily scratched by small dust particles. The more dust, the easier it is to scratch them. These scars make the surface of the stone lose its smoothness, the light reflection is no longer uniform, and the luster of the stone gradually disappears. The only way to restore gloss is to re-grind. This process is simple but time-consuming.

So we have to have a good maintenance plan. Regularly scrubbing the floor is better than just vacuuming. As for the frequency, it depends on the actual situation. At the entrance of a building that is frequently used, it should be washed two or three times a day, and the rest room at home once a week is enough. Occasionally, use a neutral soap liquid to scrub, if you have stone soap, it will be better. But never use washing powder or other chemical cleaning agents. Stone soap helps maintain and strengthen the natural color of the stone. According to the use of the stone, it is re-polished every two or three years. If the luster of the stone has just begun to weaken, there is no need to grind again. Polishing again is a quick and cheap method.

If the floor shows signs of leakage or deep scratches, deal with it as soon as possible. In short. Regular maintenance with the right technology and maintenance products will fundamentally protect your floor and reduce expensive repair costs.