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The difference between Solid Surface Vs Quartz

Publish Time:2020-10-20 Click rate:549

The difference between Solid Surface Vs Quartz


Today, let's compare the quartz countertop with the solid surface countertop.

When consumers choose their kitchen countertops, they will encounter two options, one is a quartz stone countertop, and the other is a solid surface material; From the appearance, these two products are sometimes difficult to distinguish. You need to compare them carefully to find the difference between the two choices.

The difference between Solid Surface Vs Quartz

Solid surface countertop

1. Composition of solid surface

There are two classifications for solid surface, one is Pure Acrylic, and the other is compound acrylic.

The components of pure acrylic are mainly aluminum powder and acrylic resin, pigments, etc.;

The composition of compound acrylic is mostly aluminum powder and a small amount of acrylic resin, as well as unsaturated polyester resin, colors, etc .;

The difference between them is that there is a different percentage of acrylic resin. Because the cost of acrylic resin is higher, adding less can reduce the cost of production materials. Most of the high-end Solid surface material brands will say that their products are pure acrylic.

The difference between Solid Surface Vs Quartz

(Maybe you don't know. There are still some manufacturers. When they choose raw materials, they do not use aluminum powder, but use marble powder, to reduce costs. Using marble powder, the quality of the solid surface will be worse than aluminum powder because the composition of marble is calcium carbonate, not resistant to acid.)

2. The solid surface material is softer than quartz stone, and it is easy to process, you can use some woodworking machinery to fabricate solid surfaces. And it can be seamlessly joint, and no seams are apparent.

Solid Surface Vs Quartz

Quartz countertop

In the kitchen countertop world, quartz countertops are a newer entrant than the solid surface.

The main components of engineered quartz are 92% natural quartz, unsaturated polyester resin, pigments, coupling agent, curing agent, and other ingredients. Sometimes glass chips, granite sands, or sea sand and other materials are added.

In the countertops world, many people think that natural stone is considered high-end, after all, solid surface material and quartz stone are artificial and can only regard as middle-end.

The difference between Solid Surface Vs Quartz

In my opinion, the way to distinguish the high-end or mid-range, the focus is on the price. If the price is high, then it is high-end.

Natural stone also has very cheap products; there are also costly materials for quartz countertops and solid surface countertops, what do you think?